Here is a true story. It has spawned many jokes and much hilarity,
but this story is 100% true. I promise.
My sister used to have a boyfriend whom I shall call Ron.
I’ve made that name up because, well, you’ll see why he would probably not want
this story out there with his real name on it.
The back-story you should know is that my sister is
extremely smart. I mean, high-IQ-brilliant; she is amazingly intelligent. I’m not an
idiot (most of the time), but Susan has me beat by a country mile. She is
REALLY smart. She’s also very pretty and always has been pretty.
Ron is also really smart. Mostly.
One day when Susan and Ron were in their early 20s, Susan
was at Ron’s apartment and they had an intellectual discussion of some sort.
I’m pretty sure she told me back then what the discussion entailed, but that
was many years ago and I don’t remember anymore. (I’m not that smart.) The
important thing is not what they were discussing, but that it was on the
intellectual level of what we used to call Rocket Science. Real brainiac stuff.
So they had this great conversation and later that day, Ron
said to Susan, “You know, I am so glad we are together. It is very refreshing
to find a girl who can talk about anything, and who understands difficult
concepts and has a good brain. I mean, you are just incredibly intelligent!! I
love talking with you.”
Susan was, of course, pretty pleased to hear all that.
There was a pause, and then Ron said thoughtfully, “And, of
course, you’re also moderately attractive.”
Do you see why “Ron” wouldn’t want his real name attached to
this?! Poor, clueless guy!
Susan took his assessment very calmly and said nothing. When
she got home later, she called me and, laughing hysterically, told me this
story. Then we both laughed
I didn’t think it was fair for her to be brilliant and me (not
being brilliant at all) to have no claim to fame, so we agreed that henceforth
we would acknowledge Susan as being brilliant and moderately attractive and me as
being beautiful and moderately intelligent. We’ve stuck with that agreement
ever since.
Since this is such an old in-joke with us, we often bring up
our respective moderate-nesses to each other when appropriate (for example,
when she’s kicking my behind at Bananagrams™, I’ll say to the other players, “Well,
of course Susan’s beating me; she’s brilliant and I’m moderately intelligent.”).
We still laugh hysterically. Most of our mutual friends and acquaintances have
heard one of us say something to the other about being moderately attractive or
moderately intelligent and at their curious looks, we tell them this story. Oh
my goodness, the shocked faces!! I cannot tell you how many people have immediately
asked if Susan continued to date Ron after that, and have then been horrified
to hear that she did, indeed, date him for a pretty long time and that they
are still good friends to this day.
Yup, true story.
Here are some photos of beauty and brilliance, together,
through the years. I love my brilliant, beautiful sister!