Friday, June 30, 2017

Check This Out, June 30 Edition: Unclaimed Baggage

Check this out!

There is a store in Scottsboro, Alabama, called Unclaimed Baggage Center. Doyle Owens started the enterprise in 1970. Today the store, run by his son, covers more than a city block. In addition to selling some pretty interesting merchandise, the company donates money and goods to many causes, serving those in need both at home and abroad.

You can follow the link below to read more about this cool place.

Then let me know if you want to join me on a road trip (or meet me in Scottsboro) because I am definitely putting this place on my "Go There" list!


Wednesday, May 3, 2017


For years, one of the most ridiculous issues my sister and I had with our mom was her refusal to admit she had some hearing loss. Even sitting face-to-face with us, unless we were speaking very loudly, her initial response to everything we said was either “What?” or “Huh?” When I pressed her about having her hearing checked, she told me in no uncertain terms that she could hear everyone except me just fine and she would hear me, too, if I would stop mumbling.

Now, let me just say right here that if there is one thing everyone who knows me knows, it is that I don’t mumble. In fact, I am loud. I always have been loud. Once I went home for the weekend with a college friend whose dad worked nights. When we arrived, her dad was asleep. After we’d been talking quietly for about an hour, she suddenly said, “Oh my gosh! I’ve been trying to figure out what’s weird about our conversation and it just hit me. You’re being really quiet! I’ve never heard you speak quietly before.” (By the way, that was embarrassing. I tried to be quieter all the time. I couldn’t. I still cannot.)

My sister almost laughed herself sick when I told her about the mumbling comment, said, “Mumble? You? She’s even more deaf than I thought if she thinks you mumble,” and then laughed some more. She also confided that she could cheerfully backhand the next person who said, “Huh?” to her because she was so tired of hearing it when she talked to Mother.

Mother never did admit to hearing loss and never did have her hearing checked. Her inability to hear us was a source of both annoyance and amusement for Susan and me until she died. As a result, we both swore to eschew vanity and go for hearing aids when needed.

I noticed a while back that ambient noise was becoming a problem. In a loud setting, I couldn’t always understand what people were saying. That made me nervous, so I had my hearing checked. The highest range of tones were inaudible to me, but I could hear all the normal things. The nice technician explained that the ambient noise problem is common and not to worry until I can’t hear well in a more normal setting. Whew!! That was a relief!

Fast forward to a couple months ago. A friend and I decided to stop at Target on our way somewhere. While ambling around in there, we had this conversation:

Margaret: Do you know if they have blah-blah-blah here?”

Me: If they have what?

Margaret: I need blahblah.

Me: Sorry, I didn’t understand what you said. What are we looking for?

Margaret (speaking very slowly and distinctly): Hearing aid batteries.

A pause while we look at each other, then start laughing.

Margaret: Well, that was a little ironic, wasn’t it?

Anybody seen a hearing-aid center around here?