Monday, April 22, 2019

Check this out, April 2019 edition: Shiner S'More

Look what I found at Aldi last week:


Yes, that is Shiner S’More, a Chocolate and Marshmallow Ale!!

I like Shiner Bock and I am from Texas, so, really, it was pretty much a moral imperative that I give Shiner S’More a try. I got a six pack, which is typically an annual supply of beer for me. I don’t think this will last that long. I’m going to have to share. 

Surprise! The S’More ale is pretty good. The main hitch with S’More is that I’m not particularly into beer in general, so unless it’s blazing hot and I’m out on the lake, I need something appropriate to eat while drinking a beer/ale, and seriously, I have no idea what is appropriate to eat with an ale called S’More! I tried a few snacky items with it, and decided the best of the lot was chocolate cookies. Makes sense, I guess. Maybe I should have gone out and gotten some graham crackers? 

I think the beer would have been fine (better?) by itself if only I liked beer well enough to drink it without food alongside. 

Long after I had finished the beer, I came across some German sandwich cookies (chocolate crème between plain cookies); they probably would have been really good with the S’Mores brew. I’ll try that combo next. Yum!

Oh, yeah, and I love the labeling – did you see the dots on the bottles that say “brewed for happy campers”?! 

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