Thursday, July 7, 2016

Rants and Raves

Just for grins. J

What’s with self-flushing toilets? Self-flushers seem to come in two categories – (1) those that never flush themselves (but no one expects that, so the toilet isn’t ever actually flushed when needed), and (2) those that flush four or five times between the time one walks into the stall and the time one is ready to leave the stall. The self-flushers in the office building where I work are all the overactive variety, and I am neither kidding nor exaggerating when I say that today I made a toilet flush three times in fewer than 60 seconds by walking into a stall to adjust my slip. Argh!

Related Rant:
How about push-button sink faucets? The ones in the bathroom on my floor of the office building also come in two types – (1) those that give the hand-washer a three-second water flow and (2) those that run for 10 minutes. I finally gave up on the faucets on my floor and wandered the building until I found a bathroom with old-fashioned sinks with handles that turn the water on and off.

Sort of Related Rave:
Motion detecting paper towel dispensers. Ahh, just the right amount of paper to dry those hands and I don't have to touch anything except the new piece of paper towel.

Nice people. Last week I had to make a trip to Sam’s for the office, but when I returned I found that the office dolly had a flat tire. That meant I had to carry in three cases of water and two cases of soft drinks. I’m a weakling, so I could carry only one case at a time. All five times I staggered up to the building with a case of beverages clamped in my arms, someone rushed to open the doors for me – even though we have one door that will open at the touch of a wheelchair button that I could have (and have done) pushed with my elbow. Three of the people who opened the door for me were actually exiting the building, and all three of them went back inside and pushed the elevator button for me as well. The other two nice people were young men who were walking in when I was; they each not only opened the door and pushed the elevator buttons for me, they also each offered to carry the beverages to my office.

Pathological Parkers. A couple Saturdays ago, I went to the post office. I live in a smallish town with a small post office; there are only eight full-sized parking spaces and one itty-bitty one. I had to drive around the block twice before a space was available. This is why:

Clever people. It’s so much fun to see something like this on the morning commute:

Or this:

Autocorrect. Sometimes Autocorrect can be a Rave, but then this happens:

A meme (taken from Single Dad Laughing on Facebook) that sums up my feelings on Autocorrect and makes me laugh every time I see it. Double rave! 

Happy Thursday y'all!! 

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